Botox/Dysport for TMJ and Excessive Sweating

Did you know that Botox/Dysport can be used for reasons other than facial wrinkles? At Infinite Youth Medical Spa, we commonly use Botox/Dysport to treat TMJ and hyperhidrosis/excessive sweating to help improve quality of life in select patients.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located in front of the ear where the jawbone connects. TMJ disorders are problems within that joint and the surrounding muscles, specifically, the masseter muscle. TMJ can be caused by many problems like arthritis, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, stress, and other things that can strain the jaw joint and the masseters. If a patient's TMJ is stemming from clenching that muscle, Botox/Dysport can provide a huge relief in symptoms.
Botox/Dysport is dosed in units and the number of units we use depends on the size and surface area of the muscle. Typically with TMJ, the average starting point is about 15-20 units per side. However, depending on the strength of that masseter muscle, it can take much more in some people. Within a week after treatment, patients will usually notice less pain/clenching as that muscle becomes weaker. In patients with very large/bulky masseters, they may also notice slimming of the lower face around 6-8 weeks after botox/dysport treatments due to the atrophy of the muscle.
Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is another medical condition we commonly treat at Infinite Youth Medical Spa. Botox/Dysport works by blocking the nerve signals that are responsible for sweating. This stops the sweat glands from producing too much sweat. On average, this takes about 15-25 units in each armpit area and lasts approximately 6 months. Hyperhidrosis may also be treated in other areas that produce excessive sweat such as hairlines or palms of the hands and dosing depends on the surface area of those areas as well.
Both of these treatments are fairly painless. We do a few quick injections with a very small needle on each side. Most people say it is a 1 out of 10 pain and it really only takes a minute or two for the procedure. As always, we are more than happy to discuss this at a consultation or your next appointment to see if you are a candidate that may benefit!

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